Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Progress Pics and The Color Run

Given my frequent disappeance from my blog lately, I thought you deserved to see some progress pics if you're still checking in on me.  I'm down 53.2 lbs and I weigh 306.8 lbs.  For many years, I just figured I'd creep up into the 400s.  Oh man.  I can't even fathom that thought now, and all the horrible health problems that would have come along with it.  Not to mention the years of life I'd lose. Now, I'm so happy to be SO close to the 200s. 

This is June 2012 on the left, and last night on the right.


This one is about 1 year ago on the left, and about 1 month ago on the right.

So this friday, I'll be meeting the person who has guided me, and pretty much held my hand on this journey.  Robb Pearson.  He and his fiance, Chelsea Osborne, who is my upline with Beachbody, are flying in to Tampa and I'll be meeting them friday, and we'll be doing The Color Run 5k on saturday.  My daughter is also going, along with 2 other people that live in my city that I know through Instagram.  A bunch of other people I know from Instagram will also be running, but with their own teams, or individually.  I'll be posting pics from these 2 fun days.

I'll be back soon, I promise!

And remember to EAT CLEAN!!



Sunday, November 18, 2012

And...I'm back

The reason for my LONG hiatus?  Nothing really.  I'm horrible when it comes to rules and schedules and I hate to abide by either.  But I'll try and post more often.  No, really.

So a lot has changed since I last posted.  And when I say a lot, I mean my weight. I'm down 50 lbs!!!  I'm slow, but steady.  I feel SO much better. Life is still hard at over 300 lbs, but getting easier everyday.  I no longer have the same food struggles, but I still struggle.  I don't binge, but sometimes I think about it.  My aunt passed away in August, from a long, slow, painful bout with stage 4 breast cancer.  My dad just passed away 2 weeks ago, and I had a thyroid biopsy.  So things haven't been easy at ALL, but I handled my emotions very differently than I would have in the past.  Prayer is a big part of what gets me through, along with my family and my Shrednation family.  Shrednation, if you don't know, we're a group of Beachbody coaches that support each other and support and coach other people.  I just wanted to post really quick and let you know I'm still here and still working at it, and I really do promise to post more often, even if it's just a short post.  If you need any help with your weight struggles, comment here, or message me at

Monday, July 9, 2012

What Are You STILL Waiting On?

I just want to throw this out there.  Don't wait for tomorrow, or next monday, or the new year, or WHATEVER day you have set in your head to take control of your health and your body.  You have to start right now.  Do you know what happens when you keep saying "tomorrow"?  You'll wake up one day and you'll have lost decades of your life that have passed you by, and you're still saying the same thing.  I know this is a fact, because that was me.  Learn by my mistakes.  Also, another common thing is, "well, I screwed up and ate ______ today, which messed up my whole plan, so I'll restart on _________."  No.  NO!  That will turn into days, then weeks, then years.  Do you see where I'm going with this?  Start right this minute.  Who cares if you went to a fast food restaurant for breakfast, make your NEXT meal a clean one.  You will never regret that decision.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This Is Gonna Be A Long One

There I go, abandoning my blog already!  Quick update, I'm down a total of 26.1 lbs and I feel GREAT!!

I hope you're ready for some brutal honesty.  I'm gonna give you a little background on how I became obese. 

I've always had a weight problem, even a slight one as a little kid.  I was called fat and many other "fat" names in middle school and high school.  My highest weight was about 170 lbs.  That wasn't fat.  But I believed it.  I can only assume that's where my binge eating stemmed from.  When I got my first car, I started going to McDonald's all the time.  I wasn't raised on fast food, and we rarely ate at restaurants.  My mom cooked dinner almost every night.  We did have cake, pie, donuts etc, but usually only on the weekends if we had company.

Fast forward to my first serious boyfriend from age 18-21.  He was Cuban and his family made the best food I'd ever eaten.  At some point, I would eat dinner at home, then go to his house some nights and eat dinner AGAIN.  I have no clue why I did that, and I don't think I've ever told anyone that.  My mother couldn't understand why I was gaining so much weight.  I moved in with my first roommate and I had TOTAL freedom over what I did in my life.  That meant eating whenever, and whatever I wanted.  A few years later, I began eating in bed.  Yes, IN BED.  My drug of choice?  Double Stuff Oreos, Cheez-Its, Nacho Doritos, bagels, and regular coke (not all at once, but those were my go to foods).  That habit continued off and on for years.  Eating all that horrible food right before going to sleep made me feel hungover in the morning and it took years for me to make that connection.

My highest weight was 372 lbs.  Although that doesn't happen overnight, for some reason, I didn't realize it was happening.  I know that sounds crazy, but I think other overweight people can identify with that.  When I was in my 20s and 30s, it didn't really affect me physically that much.  The ways it did affect me are monumental.

1.  Having to always worry about if I'll fit into a seat somewhere.
2.  Finding clothes that fit.
3.  Trying to tie my shoes.
4.  Having to get a seatbelt extender.
5.  Not being able to run after my daughter when she was little.
6.  Not being able to get down on the floor and play with my daughter when she was little.
7.  Kids making fun of me to my daughter when she was little.
8.  Not having self esteem, which leads to settling for things and situations in life.
9.  Basically being a hermit.

Now that I'm older, I get a whole different set of consequences.

1.  High blood pressure, and having to take medication for it.
2.  Arthritis in my knees and having excruciating pain (this pain is completely gone now!)
3.  A little bit of asthma (it only happens if I get a chest cold and in the winter if it gets really cold and dry)
4.  Body aches everywhere.
5.  It's hard to get around, even to the grocery store (this isn't the case anymore!)

I also had anxiety that would keep me up at night, because every single night I was afraid of dying from a heart attack and my daughter would find me dead.  You would think all of these things would cause ANYONE to change, but until you're ready, and in that mindset to make the commitment to change, it just won't happen. 

I still have a hard time tying my shoes and fitting into seats.  However, I'm down 26.1 lbs, I'm eating clean, exercising and surrounding myself with people that have the same goals as me (I love my IG family SO much!).  Things are getting better every single day. 

If you are reading this and still struggling with binging or just trying to get healthier, I challenge you to eat clean for 2 weeks.  Anyone can do something for 2 weeks.  If you stick to it, you won't go back.  And I can honestly say, it won't even take you 2 entire weeks to decide this is the right thing for you.  It will happen within days because you will be amazed at how much better you feel.  I can't say it enough, you owe it to yourself to make this change, and you deserve it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Here's my quick intro - I'm 45, a mother of a 20 year old daughter, a jack/beagle mix, and a chihuahua. I weight 341.6 lbs, and I've lost 18.4 lbs, making my starting weight 360. You'll learn more as time goes on :)

I originally created this blog 2 years ago to the day. I got laid off from my corporate job that paid very well, and was thrown into unemployment, with no clue how to fill all the hours in the day while I looked for other employment. I decided to blog, FINALLY lose weight, and run that damn 5k I've been obsessing about. So, where are all the blog posts?? Gone, deleted. I attempted and failed so many times at losing weight and trying to motivate others so I removed all the "poor me" posts and gave up. That all changed a short time ago. I discovered a lot of things, that all came together to form "the perfect storm" of fitness and nutrition in my world. It all started when I was on youtube looking for videos about weight loss and marathon runners. If I couldn't join them, I could at least live vicariously through them, right?? So I found Lauramustloseweight. I'm sure you've heard of her. She's an unbelievable success story, losing a lot of weight, running marathons, now moving onto fitness competitions, go check her out. That led me to Shrednation2012 cooking videos. Robb and Sprout run that channel and Robb lost 100 lbs!! Then I found BodyandBlush, which is a girl named Chelsea. She lost 45 lbs. Another girl I met on facebook, Michelle, a mother of 7, lost 45 lbs.

What did they all have in common? Insanity. Yes, the infomercial you see late at night. Don't laugh, that shit is no joke. If you think it's not hard, try it, you'll be on the floor begging for mercy after the first workout. There are TONS of people that have lost TONS of weight by doing it. I started it, and at my weight, no I can't do it the way it's intended. But I do it. I modify the moves I can't do and I continue moving through the workout. I know it will get easier.

The other part of the perfect storm is Instagram. Let's have a moment of silence for this one because it has been THE game changer for me. Robb from Shrednation2012, mentioned his Instagram in one of his videos (he's Robbinsanity on IG) and I went to check his out, not even knowing what Instagram was. I just always assumed it was a bunch of random photos people uploaded, I didn't know it was like Twitter/Facebook, but all photos that show up in a feed. On this amazing site, I have found the most supportive, informative, healthy, friendly, NICE, talented (get the picture?)people that are SO into fitness and clean eating and truly want to help each other. I must have every diet book ever written, but somehow I never heard of clean eating until then. I've lost 18.4 lbs. I've learned how to substitute foods, make protein pancakes, how to prepare certain foods, when I should eat, how many meals I should eat, etc.

I used to go to weight watchers (I joined MANY times), and I looked forward to that weekly support I got at the meetings, but would lose my momentum within a day or 2 because I always felt the need to be around people with a common goal. I used to get on the weight watchers message boards, and there were always people on, but I usually felt it was more like a confessional about what everyone did wrong that week and what 100 calorie snack was the best so far. On IG, there is literally 24 hour support. If you're in the states, there will be someone awake in Australia or somewhere else. I LOVE IT. I am so thankful to all the wonderful people there that have embraced me and helped me and some people have said I'm motivating THEM. That last part is still very hard for me to absorb because I certainly don't look at myself, at 341.6 lbs as someone who is motivating anyone else. But I'm happy that I've helped other people.

If you are struggling, go check out the YouTube channels I mentioned, and go to Instagram, get yourself an account and follow all the wonderful people out there that want to help you. My IG name is @fromfatgirlto5k. The other thing I recently added to my lifestyle is Shakeology. I've been on it for almost a week and I love it. If you're not sure what it is, go check it out here - I'll update more about Shakeology and how it's helping me after I've been using it a little longer.

My posts won't always be this long.  I'll update you with progress photos, recipes, websites you should know about, and what I learn about clean eating and living healthy.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.

P.S.  I have a YouTube channel so please check it out.  All the videos that are there now are from the past and no longer relevant to what I'm doing, so I may remove them.  I'll be updating that channel with new videos about my new life :)

- Kim